Eligibility and Restrictions

QDo I have to be an American citizen to purchase a plan?
No, our plans are available to everyone regardless of status of citizenship.
QAm I required to sign a yearly contract?
No, your membership renews monthly. By the way, we have members that have been with us for many years!
QWhen I sign up how will I know how to use the services?
We provide all members with the Member Information Guide which fully describes the services and how to use them.
QWhat if I have more questions that are not covered here?
We have a fully staffed Member Services department that's dedicated to helping members with any question. You can contact our knowledgeable staff by calling 1-(866) 776-4872 from 8 AM to 7 PM Monday through Thursday and 8 AM to 1 PM Friday, CST.
QWho is considered a dependent?
The membership services include the entire household and there are no limitations on the number of dependents except for the Accidental Injury, AD&D, and the Air Ambulance. On the Accidental Injury and AD &D, dependents include only the spouse and the legal dependent children to age of 25. For the Air Ambulance, legal dependent children are eligible up to age 18 or age 25 if full-time students. The $20 Generic Prescription card, however, includes the primary cardholder, their spouse, and legal dependents up to age nineteen (19) or age twenty-three (23) if full-time students. The Legal Program includes services for the primary member, spouse, and dependents age twenty-two (22) and younger.
QWhat are the age limits as to who can participate?
Everyone is included regardless of age except for Accidental Injury and AD&D (dependent children up to age 25), Air Ambulance (dependent children up to age 18 or age 25 if full-time students), $20 Generic Prescription Card (dependent children up to age 19 or age 23 if full-time students), and Legal Program (dependent children age 22 and younger).
QWhat if I have a previous medical history?
Anyone can become a member, regardless of any previous medical history.
QCan I use this service if I have medical insurance?
Yes. If an insurance policy pays a percentage of medical bills, such as a standard 80/20-indemnity policy, then this service can be used. The discount will be applied to the entire bill, making your portion less than 20%.
QIs my common law husband/wife eligible?
The only portion of the membership that he or she can not be eligible to participate in would be the Accidental Injury, the Accidental Death & Dismemberment, the Emergency Travel Assistance (Air Ambulance) the $20 Generic Prescription card, and the Legal services. Otherwise, they can take advantage of all the other discount services.

Membership Activation and Changes

QHow long does it take for my membership to be effective?
Your membership goes into effect immediately after we receive and process all of the member's information. The $20 Generic Prescription card, however, will go into effect in forty-five (45) days from the day the application is received and processed.The free Accidental Injury, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, and Air Ambulance benefits are actual group insurance services; therefore, they will go into effect 30 days after @WebContext.Current.Site.Contact.BusinessShortName accepts an application. Additionally the Dental service becomes effective 10 days after enrollment.
QIf I change my address or banking information can my spouse call and change our information?
Only the primary card holder can make changes on the membership. This should be one of several considerations made when filling out the membership application.
QDo you sell my personal medical information to other organizations?
We strictly follow HIPAA guidelines as dictated by federal law. We will only release your information as you direct us to. Such requests must be made in writing.

Locating a Provider & Payment

QHow can I find a provider in my geographical area?
Members can receive a directory of relevant providers in their geographical area by using our online provider search, calling Member Services at 1-(866) 776-4872, or by writing to:
PPNI - Attn: Member Services
11111 Richmond Ave., Ste. 243
Houston TX 77082
QHow much do I have to pay when I go to the doctor?
The savings vary from one provider to another. The savings are determined by the agreement we have with that provider when you visit an in-network provider. The savings will be applied, then the provider will expect payment of the discounted fees at the time of service. Members can find out the fees they will owe a specific provider by type of service and zip code, before visiting the provider, or by calling Member Services at 1-(866) 776-4872 for a list of discounted member prices charged by that provider.
QCan I choose any doctor?
Discounts are only available from certain providers. If you choose a doctor that is not participating in our network, we will contact that doctor and ask them to join our network and provide their future services at a discounted rate. There is no guarantee that your doctor will join or what level of discount they will offer. By choosing a doctor that is already part of our network, your discounts will be immediate.
QWhat if my doctor is not on the list?
That is easy. All you have to do is submit in writing the name, address, specialty and phone number of your doctor or dentist to PPNI, via fax or regular mail, by accessing 'Contact Us' above. We will invite him or her to become a participating provider. Note this process is a courtesy to our members, not a guarantee that your provider will join the network or agree to give a discount.
QIf I choose a plan that includes accident insurance will the insurance company pay for more than one accident per year?
The accident insurance company will process all claims presented to them. There is no limitation on the number of accidents a family or individual may have. There is, however, a policy maximum per accident.
QMy doctor’s office wants payment at the time of service. How can I get my discount?
Participating medical providers can call our Claims Department and have the bill processed for a discount right over the telephone. This will only take a few minutes. Payment of the discounted medical bills must be made at the time of service to receive the appropriate discounts.

Still Have Questions?

Contact one of our knowledgeable Customer Service representatives by visiting our contact page.

Please note: All specialties may not apply to your plan. Please refer to your plan services information in this website for a complete listing of your specific plan’s services; existing members may refer to their plan at www.servicemyplan.com.